Why our Eco-friendly Getaway is Sustainable by Design

Why our Eco-friendly Getaway is Sustainable by Design

Islas Secas, Designed as the Ultimate Private Island Luxury Eco-Resort in Panama

written by Islas Secas
  • design

I nspired by traditional Panamanian architecture, the design of our eco-friendly resort has always been about sustainability. Here’s how…

Ancient solutions to modern problems

As part of our sustainability initiatives, we worked with renowned, B-Corp certified architects Hart Howerton, the team looked to traditional Panama Canal Zone houses to influence the design of our extraordinary, award-winning Casitas, perfect for a luxury eco-resort.

High-pitch roofs aid natural ventilation in our tropical climate, as do open-frame walls, allowing the natural flow of cooling breezes, while big overhangs protect from both the sun and the odd torrential downpour. The beautiful indigenous “ranchos”, or thatch roofs, were carefully designed to protect from the effects of extreme tropical weather.

Sustainable materials and award-winning buildings

In our flagship structure, the open-to-the-elements Terraza, striking, exposed bamboo was chosen as it is both sustainable and fast-growing, and traditionally used in construction and decoration in Panama. Working with Simon Velez, the Colombian architect known for his nature-inspired designs, the soaring, cathedral-like roof was influenced by the traditional Panamanian “jardines” dancing pavilions.

The heart and soul of Islas Secas - a laid-back gathering spot exuding Panamanian style.

It’s all in the detail

Our conscious design stretches to the Casita interiors, too, where Life Interiors Architecture created a soothing, textured palette of natural, organic materials heavily influenced by our surroundings. Working in collaboration with local artisans and craftspeople, tactile touches include local, hand-stitched “mola” cushions from the Guna tribe, while furnishings use reclaimed timber plantation chairs to add a touch of glamor.

Throughout our luxury eco getaway, local culture is supported and sustainability celebrated, from woven dining chairs, a nod to Panamanian “mimbre” weaving, to the use of existing sailboat sails, repurposed as bar stool seats, and loungers.

Sustainability in action

Our design is just one element of Islas Secas’s thorough environmental policy. We are proud to run on 100% natural energy, to recycle 100% of our food waste and wastewater, and that 75% of the archipelago remains undeveloped.

Eco tourism

At Islas Secas, we believe that travel goes way beyond simply visiting a place. It’s about protecting and enhancing the nature and wildlife that we experience. Sharing our conservation initiatives is a large part of our commitment to sustainability, and the activities we offer go beyond exploration, going far deeper and leaving guests with a profound appreciation of the beauty of this remove corner of the Pacific.

From diving in the protected water of the Gulf of Chiriquí, where you’ll discover one of the world’s least explored marine ecosystems, to birding in our lush surroundings, every activity is designed to immerse you in the wonders of Panama’s rich biodiversity. It’s all part of our journey, where we’re striving to become one of the top eco resorts in Panama.


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